Urethane and polyurethane are coated on many of the things we use every day. Although these terms are used interchangeably, there are very noticeable differences between the two. The most obvious difference is that polyurethane contains many different urethane compounds. However, there is a lot more things to compare and contrast in the battle between urethane vs. polyurethane. Continue reading Differences Between Polyurethane And Urethane

5 Steps To Antique Furniture
Antiquing furniture is a process of painting techniques that can make any piece of wood look old or worn.
Giving your furniture an antique look will give it a touch of character without diminishing its quality. There are many antique painting techniques you can try, but this article will outline the one that I’ve found to work the best.
Always begin any painting project in a well- vented area to prevent any dangerous fumes from entering your lungs. A pair of painter’s gloves is probably a good idea too.
Step 1. Sanding
To achieve the best results it is always better to sand the entire piece of furniture to a nice smooth surface. Check out this article on refinishing wood furniture for a detailed outline of sanding and stripping techniques. If your antiquing furniture goal is to only create wear and tare on certain spots, sanding the entire bookshelf, table, chair, sofa etc. is not necessary. Try thinking of places on the furniture that would normally receive excess use and keep your sanding preserved for those spots. Corners, knobs, handles, and other areas of typical human contact are usually a good start. Before moving on to step 2, make sure the piece of furniture you have chosen is completely dry and wiped clean of any excess dust.
Step 2. Prime
When starting any painting job it is a good idea to pick a good prime to achieve the best results.
Apply the first coat over the areas of the furniture you wish to antique. The prime color will show through slightly, so it is recommended to use a darker color, preferable an oil-based one like the Rust-Oleum 207014 Marine Wood and Fiberglass Primer 1-Quart. Latex and water-based primers are decent, but I would only recommend them if you absolutely cannot paint in a well-ventilated area.
Note: Latex and water-based primers are also slightly better for the environment.
Step 3.
Antiquing Furniture With Paint Using a Crackle Finish
Painting with a crackle finish is the easiest method for antiquing furniture and is often the most effective. When antiquing furniture with paint it might be a good idea to practice on a sample piece of wood before you begin. You don’t want to go through that awful sanding process again do you?
Begin by applying a crackle finish to the areas of the bookshelf, sofa, chair, table etc. that you want to refinish. For smaller projects, the best selling Delta Ceramcoat Crackle Medium, 8 oz. is your best bet. If you’re tackling a larger project, the Golden Crackle Paste – 128 oz, Crackle Paste would be a better deal. It looks like a white paste and should be applied sparingly. If you are working on a smaller project, like a jewelry box or flower pot, the crackle paste can be applied in one sitting. If a larger project is your goal, tape off any areas you do not wish to paint and work on one area at a time. Again, depending on the size, decide if a brush or roller will you give better results. Once the finish has dried, usually about 45 min, prepare to apply the topcoat of paint. Your window to apply the topcoat is very limited, it’s important to make sure you’re around when it dries.
Note: This is the antique painting technique that I have found to work the best. There are many different methods.
Step 4. Applying the Topcoat
Now comes the tricky part, applying the topcoat. You can use a sea sponge or a paint brush to apply this coat, but you must move fast! A sponge will give you a more random and skinny crack while a paint brush will produce much bigger ones. You can expect a paint brush to produce cracks in the direction that you used to brush. If you are painting a large surface, like a desk or bookcase, a paintbrush is going to work the best. Start in a corner and move on immediately after the topcoat has been applied, remember you need to move quickly! Once the paint has been sponged or brushed onto the surface, the crackling process will start almost instantaneously. If you go back and apply more paint you will just make a huge mess of things.
Step 5. Cleanup and Finishing Touches
Clean up any newspapers and masking tape you have lying around and wait for the topcoat of paint to dry. Also make sure to wash any paintbrushes clean of paint to avoid running them.
Some people prefer to add some dings and scratches when their done antiquing furniture. You can use tools such as a screwdriver head or pliers to create these, but a plethora of household items will work. These marks tend to show up better depending on the type of topcoat and primer you decided to use. Again, test everything out on a small piece of wood before beginning on a project of this magnitude. You wouldn’t want to mess up your brand new piece of furniture.
Baby Safe Paint & Stain for Wood
Did you know that toxic stains and paints can be harmful to newborn babies? Many parents are choosing to paint with baby safe stain to protect their newborns from harmful toxins. There aren’t any 100% baby safe stains available in the market today though. Most people believe shellac and mineral oils are the best options for preserving your baby’s health. This is because shellac and mineral oils don’t have as much chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOC) as other types of stains and finishes.
For this article, baby safe stains are referred to as non-toxic stains that are safe for both humans and the environment. Continue reading Baby Safe Paint & Stain for Wood
Differences Between Oil-Based And Water-Based Polyurethane
Polyurethane, a plastic-based resin, can be used in many different ways. When used as paint or varnish, it can provide a hard, durable gloss that is resistant to water and different kinds of chemicals. It is also very easy to apply. When clear, this type of resin is mostly used for woodwork and furniture. It basically has two kinds: water based vs. oil based polyurethane. Polyurethane paints and varnishes used to only be oil-based. However, it has been discovered in recent years that water-based polyurethane works just as well. Continue reading Differences Between Oil-Based And Water-Based Polyurethane
The Differences Between Shellac and Polyurethane, Varnish and Lacquer
Wood finishing, as its name suggests, is the last step in the process of repairing and refinishing furniture. Some use wood finishes to protect their furniture while others use them just to make their furniture look more appealing. There are many different kinds of finishes available for wood finishing. Although some may be used interchangeably, results would be best if you use the appropriate finish for your furniture. In order to help you distinguish the differences between each one, this article discusses some of these finishes: shellac vs. polyurethane and varnish vs. lacquer.
Continue reading The Differences Between Shellac and Polyurethane, Varnish and Lacquer
Repairing Rotten Wood with Epoxy
Wooden furniture, like everything else in the world, doesn’t last forever. Because of certain factors like age and weather, the wood will inevitably become rotten. Most would opt to replace the damaged wood to save the hassle, but it is actually faster and cheaper to just repair rotten wood yourself. Continue reading Repairing Rotten Wood with Epoxy
Best Wood Paint & Stain For Your Furniture
Wood stains are used to add color to your furniture and make them look better. They can be used to emphasize the grain of the wood and give it a touch of character. They are also very helpful in concealing blemishes and in pulling together two pieces of furniture. Stains are also very good finishes for fences and artworks. However, they are not the best finish to use in outdoor furniture since they tend to wear off. The many different kinds of stains available in the market each have their own benefits for different types of furniture. Wood stains that are good for certain types of furniture may not be suitable for other types. Therefore, the best wood stain to use actually depends on the type of wood that your furniture is made of.

Cleaning Leather Furniture before Applying the Polish
Leather is a durable material that is used to make many different things, including furniture. Most types of leather are sensitive to water so there are certain cleaning tips that should be followed if you want clean leather furniture. Please refer to this post about removing water stains from furniture for a more specific guide.
The best thing to do to make sure that you have clean leather furniture is to use leather protectors that are reapplied at least once a year or as recommended by your furniture’s retailer. It is also good to keep your furniture away from direct sunlight and heat and air conditioning sources so that the leather won’t crack, dry, or fade. Spills should also be cleaned right away since they will get harder to remove when they stay longer. Furthermore, if your furniture needs repairing, make sure to repair it first before cleaning, as you may have to use a different cleaning method after repairs.
Continue reading Cleaning Leather Furniture before Applying the Polish
Acrylic Vs. Enamel Paint
There are many types of paint available in the market today. Some are used for arts and crafts while others are used for bigger things, like painting houses or buildings. Enamel & acrylic paint can both be used as household paint effectively. Knowing the difference between the two is important though so you will know which one is appropriate for which projects.
Continue reading Acrylic Vs. Enamel Paint

How to Refinish Maple Furniture
It’s always important to learn about the characteristics of the wood you’re about to be refinishing before beginning any new project. Refinishing furniture requires patience, attention to detail, and some good ole fashion elbow grease. But I know you can do it! And trust me it really is extremely rewarding when its done.